Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hippy 2009

From its humble beginnings in the peace and love generation of Woodstock and flower-power, to the controlled anarchy of the non-violent direct action that has become commonplace throughout much of the last two decades, the ideology has remained constant. Protect this planet and love everyone equally.

Many see this as 'odd', a bunch of crusty smelly folk with long hair and no jobs whinging about the state of the world, when in fact they should have a bath, cut their hair, get a life and join the system.

Personally, I have no wish or desire to see this planet go up in smoke! from the continued raping and decimation of our earth's natural resources, nor do I wish to be spoonfed consumerism by a corporate nanny state, intent on serving only the best interests of global capitalism and personal greed, at any cost.

However, I must stress that having experienced both sides of this coin, from the muddy protest sites to the shiny boardrooms I feel I am able to better share the wealth and knowledge of each extreme. I want only to use my skills to help build a better future for us all.

Over the next year, theARCproject will launch new and innovative approaches to reduce our impact and power down our reliance on non-renewable resources. With our Resolution No.1 being "to meet the needs of the present without compromising the abilities of future generations to meet their own needs."

As a certain advertisement once said, "the future is bright", however in the case of this Not-For-Profit Social Enterprise and Community Interest Company, the future is Green.

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